Unlocking Joy: 5 Key Ingredients for Happiness

By: Zohra Sarwari

Believing in the Creator. This is the most important ingredient to happiness. Knowing who we are, and what our purpose in life is. This is the single key to happiness. It stands on its own. If you truly understand this, then you have achieved happiness. Look around you, and you will see everything has been created. Imagine that we as humans can create things like cars, planes, and building, but we didn’t create ourselves.


Bismillahee Rahmanee Raheem,
Asalamalkium Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu, (PEACE BE UPON YOU)

5 Ingredients to Happiness

  1. Believing in the Creator. This is the most important ingredient to happiness. Knowing who we are, and what our purpose in life is. This is the single key to happiness. It stands on its own. If you truly understand this, then you have achieved happiness. Look around you, and you will see everything has been created. Imagine that we as humans can create things like cars, planes, and building, but we didn’t create ourselves. Look at just all the different mechanics of our body and how it all works together. Isn’t that powerful. We can’t even control when we will sneeze, go to the restroom, or get sick. There must be a Creator who created us, and made us the way we are.
  2. Living your life as the True YOU. Which means the way you want Allaah (Subhana wa tala) to see you, is the way that everyone should see you. So if you want Allaah (Subhana wa tala) to see you as a pious, humble, patient Muslim, then become a pious, humble, and patient Muslim. If you want Allaah (Subhana wa tala) to see you as a great mother, and then work on becoming a great mother, never give up on it. In’sha’Allaah. Many people live a double life, they are one way with people, and another way alone. This is wrong. Be one person, and make it the best of you, not the worst of you. Often times when I say this, people will say, and then I will be me, but don’t complain, because I will be grouchy. When I am saying be one you, I am saying be the best of you, in’sha’Allaah, not the worst. I am saying control yourself and your desires to be the best of you!
  3. Being Grateful To Allah(Subhana wa tala) Always! No matter what happens, as Muslims we should be thankful. Always remember that Allaah (Subhana wa tala) never burdens us with more than we can handle. If something good happens, say Alhamdillilah “All Praise is to the God the Greatest” and if something devastating happens the Prophet (Sallalahye Alyhe Wa Sallam) said we need to be patient. For in every situation there is a lesson to be learned. If you live your life this way, you will never have any worries. Recently I met a woman who became Muslim, and when I asked her what made her decide to become Muslim, she said, “When I went to Afghanistan and saw how the people were, and how at peace they were regardless of how difficult their situation was, I said, I want some of that.” I smiled at her and said this is what made me want to practice my religion devotedly. I realized that people who loved Allaah (Subhana wa tala) more than themselves, and their desires, and then they loved the messengers of Allaah (Subhana wa tala), all of them who sacrificed their lives to teach us the right way to live, to pass the message to us
  4. Never stop trying! This is a Powerful ingredient, because most people give up so easily. They say “Oh I am not patient, or oh I can’t do that, or oh I can’t learn that.” The list goes on and on. Instead one should keep trying their best, and in’sha’Allaah, they will change and be better than they were before. I will give you a quick example of myself here. When I first started home schooling I thought I would die, because it was so difficult to get my kids motivated to do their work. Also I had never done this sort of thing, and I was running out of patience. I was treating them like little adults, when they were only kids. I knew I was wrong, and many a time I wanted to just put them back into private school, but I kept thinking, I can do this, in’sha’Allaah, but I needed to change the way I was doing it. I started to figure out different ways parents home schooled their kids. Every day I still work on myself and try to be more patient, work with different curriculums to achieve the goals that I have set for my kids, yet they have to be happy as well, in’sha’Allaah…This is a lesson for all of us that sometimes we just keep on trying. I can’t say everything will be fixed like this, but 90% of things will, in’sha’Allaah. Now fast forward years later, I enjoy home schooling, and my kids are flourishing, Alhamdullilah! How much did I have to change myself? Tremendously, I am still learning a lot to be a better teacher/mom for my kids, in’sha’Allaah. You can never have enough improvement. The more you work on you, the better you will be in’sha’Allaah!
  5. Always Have the End in Mind! Remember that Jannah that must be won. Always think of the rewards Allaah (Subhana wa tala) will give us, for being happy, trying our best, and making every moment count. In’sha’Allaah. Have faith in His mercy, and yet fear His punishment. Know that this world is only a test for us, and that it is a temporary abode. Live to make your next life your best life, by being happy with everything that He has blessed you with in this life. Always think that today could be your last day, and are you ready to see Allaah (Subhana wa tala). Many people living in today’s society don’t want to think about death, for they are afraid of the unknown. Many people including lots of Muslims have no clue what happens to us when we die. Increase your knowledge so that you’re somewhat at peace with death. Be strong about who you are, and be proud to be a person who wants to do good deeds. It’s like anything else; we always have the end in mind when we want to achieve our goals and dreams in the world. It is the same for Akhira. Have a vision of Jannah, and then plan to achieve it, in’sha’Allaah!


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