Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Asalamalakium Wa Rahamtullah Wa Barakatuhu,
I would love to mention how I am grateful that I met with Sister Zohra Sarwari as one of the blessings of the month of Ramadan in the Masjid Alhamdulillah. Meeting with her and her sincerity about Islam made me want to attend such knowledgeable classes with Islamic University of Minnesota. I would love to thank everyone who is behind this university and is giving us that opportunity to learn and correct ourselves about our beautiful deen of Islam, Alhamdulillah.
The Islamic studies classes were a life-changing experience. I feel I have been blessed to participate in intensive Islamic Studies programs in Tampa. For me, the deepest and most meaningful impact was how the program first ‘broke you down’ and helped ‘built you back up,’ all representing her teachings of the intellectual and spiritual beauty of Islam.
As a result, I believe, of course I am still learning and progressing, I grew to have a deeper and much more rooted understanding and appreciation of my faith with Islamic Studies program, Sister Zohra Sarwari.
I highly recommend this program for my clients and my Muslim brothers and sisters of knowledge of all ages and walks of life, who seek to understand this deen in an encouraging diverse environment, InshaAllah.